Light & Laser Therapy Services
Celluma Pro Light-Therapy and Cold Laser Scar Therapy
Effectively treat a wide variety of skin and musculoskeletal conditions and address active scars.
Celluma Pro Light-Therapy Sessions
Celluma Light Therapy effectively treats a wide variety of skin and musculoskeletal conditions through the use of blue, red and near-infrared wavelengths. Originally researched and developed by NASA, low-level light therapy, also known as photobiostimulation, is the application of light energy to the body to obtain therapeutic benefits. It produces a natural photobiochemical reaction similar to the process of plant photosynthesis, and has a wide range of beneficial applications across many medical fields, including the treatment and antiaging effect on skin, muscle, joint, and pain conditions.
Celluma provides compromised cells with the energy to regain and restore vitality naturally. Its powerful, deeply penetrating wavelengths are absorbed by photoreceptors in the mitochondria of your body cells. This process increases the production of ATP --- the fuel that drives all cells!
FDA Cleared to Treat:
Acne (including cystic)
Arthritic Pain
Muscle Spasm
Muscle and Joint Pain
Muscle Tissue Tension
Decrease Inflammation
Fee: $30.00 per session (30 minute session)
A pack of 12 for $350.00 ($10.00 savings)
*Recommended to book 3-4 sessions per week for 1 month to begin Celluma Pro Light-Therapy Sessions
Cold Laser Scar Therapy
Scars on the surface of the body from past injuries or surgeries have clinically been found to contribute to hidden disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
When your autonomic nervous system function is disrupted, your overall state of health as well as the natural ability for self-healing can be significantly impacted.
Whether these scars are close to the organ/area that was found to need support in a SoulFit Nutrition Response Muscle Testing session, or distant from the organ/area (as in a knee scar that is directly connected to a health circumstance like a frozen shoulder), these need to be properly and thoroughly handled
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT), with a cold laser can handle 70% of scar problems. The sessions are simple and comfortable, too! All you do is shine the light about 1 inch from the scar, making sure to run the light across the entire scar.
How it Works
A session should be done weekly (minimum) and lasts about 8 minutes. It takes approximately 4-8 sessions to handle most scars. However, additional scar or body support may be required. You will schedule your series of sessions with SoulFit, according to your program needs. This is a self-service session held at our office.
Fee: $10.00/session