Wellness Coaching and Health Consulting
Food Journaling with Health Consulting
One of the best ways to stay on track or get into a great routine is to get accountable.
For those clients who tend to eat well but need some accountability without undergoing our comprehensive program, which already includes food journaling, this is a wonderful option. This program is also best used for clients who have gone through our program already but need some support to get back on track. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just attempting to eat healthier, keeping a food journal can help you make positive changes.
What are the benefits?
Reveal unhealthy habits that are keeping you from your goals
Provide accountability and motivation to make healthier choices
Detect food sensitivities, reactions or symptoms that were previously not related to food
Manage your portion control
Make eating a more mindful experience Identify unhealthy triggers around food
Creates a platform for new routines, ensuring your long term success
Provides an educational experience
Allows application of nutritional guidance support Improves hydration
Creates a platform to track other wellness aspects such as sleep, energy, mood, digestion and more in relation to your nutritional habits
A system of support that will provide professional reviewal, detailed feedback, goals for the week, check-in's and more
Program Fee: $200 per month
SoulFit Essential Oil Consultations
Essential Oils are an incredibly powerful health tool to have at your finger tips. The best part is, they are easy to use, smell amazing and are very effective therapeutically!
Understanding how pure, therapeutic grade essential oils can support your mind, body and spirit is a very helpful for up-leveling your lifestyle (and they can be lots of fun to use!)
Let us support you in exploring how to use and apply the best quality oils on the market, for your specific lifestyle goals.
Some Easy and Popular Ways to Use Oils:
Air Cleansing and Fragrance (diffused)
Emotion and Mood Support
Sleep Improvement
Natural Medicine Cabinet (pain relief, infection, asthma, inflammation, skin disorders and more)
Digestive Health
Natural Body Care Products (bug spray, lotion, soap, toothpaste)
Natural Household Cleaning And More!
Program Fee: $200.00
Includes: - 1 Hour Consultation - Plan Creation - 15 minute Reviewal of Plan
Grocery Store and Pantry Clean Out Consultations
Determining which items are truly healthy and which are just marketed as healthy, adds a whole additional level of skills needed to eat well.
Navigating a grocery store and pantry when applying the concepts of your new nutritional guidelines can feel like a really difficult task when you first begin to change your lifestyle and habits.
Allow SoulFit to support you in this process by booking a Grocery Store or Pantry Guidance session.
We will meet you at our local grocery store and walk you through a grocery-store survival guide!
We can also come to your home or virtually meet to review your pantry! We will discuss labels, ingredients and give you tips on how to be more efficient in the store and with your time and health! You truly are supported by SoulFit, in every step of your journey.
Program Fee: $150.00 for 1.5 hours
(Travel time fee invoiced accordingly)